Date of the workshop: 11. October 2021 (Monday).This is a full-day, fully online workshop, with two distinct parts.
All times are GMT.
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I. Morning block: Presentations (11:00-13:20)
We will entertain a range of presentations in the form of vision paper presentations and case paper presentations. Each talk is 15 minutes long, and is followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. Talks will be recorded and published on the workshop website.Session 1: Vision and prototypes papers
- 11:00-11:15 Welcome and opening
- 11:15-11:35 Towards Personalized Change Propagation for Collaborative Modeling. M Sharbaf, B Zamani and G Sunyé.
Vision paper
[pdf] - 11:35-11:55 Real-time Collaborative Modeling across Language Workbenches - A Case based on Jetbrains MPS and Eclipse Spoofax. SN Voogd, K Aslam, L van Gool, B Theelen and I Malavolta.
Session 2: Case papers
- 12:20-12:40 MindMaps sans Frontières. D Kuryazov, F Schmalriede, C Schönberg, K Meyer and A Winter.
Case paper
[pdf] - 12:40-13:00 Collaborative modeling and metamodeling with MetaEdit+. S Kelly and JP Tolvanen.
Case paper
[pdf] - 13:00-13:20 Towards Conflict-Free Collaborative Modelling using VS Code Extensions. R Saini and G Mussbacher.
Case paper
Break (13:30-14:00)
II. Afternoon block: Hands-on sessions (14:00-17:00)
We invite the participants to experiment with the collaborative modeling tools of their choice. Tool developers are invited to support the hands-on session assigned to their tools by providing a supervisory presence, and preferably a brief tutorial before the session starts. We encourage participants to experiment with multiple tools in the afternoon. We then ask the participants to evaluate their experience by completing an evaluation sheet. No prior knowledge is required for the hands-on session: the morning talks and the brief tutorials should provide sufficient information to enable working with the tools. The experiments will be conducted in Zoom breakout rooms.Technical information (14:00-14:15)
Hands-on sessions (14:15-15:45)
Coffee break (15:45-16:00)
Discussion (16:00-17:00)
- Based on the responses to open-ended questions of the exit questionnaires.
- Reflections on the exercises and the workshop in general.
- Next steps.
- The Morning session and the Discussions are hosted on Whova.
- The Afternoon session is hosted on Whereby. During this session, the main room on Whova serves as the lobby for entering the workshop.
- Upon entering, participants can sign up for experiments. Our volunteers will aid the process.
- Upon finishing experiments, participants are asked to fill in a questionnaire.
- Observers might join the sessions, but cannot interact with the experiment.