
Installation details

CMCM (1-3 minutes)

MetaEdit+ (1-3 minutes)

Instructions are here

You’ll be accessing our server with Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc.exe). This is installed by default on Windows, but for other platforms you can install it:

TGRL (1-5 minutes)

  • Install the desktop-based VS Code application on your system from the VS Code site.
  • Download our tool in the form of vsix file (vscode-xtext-turn-0.0.2.vsix) from the GitHub repository of our tool. We provide further details in our repository to develop or debug the extension.
  • Open a Terminal to create a project run directory (workspace) and launch VS code extension using the below commands:
    mkdir workspace
    cd workspace
    code .
  • Install the downloaded VSIX file (vscode-xtext-turn-0.0.2.vsix) of our proposed TGRL extension in VS Code by using shortcut key CTRL + SHIFT + X or navigating in menu bar: View → Extensions → Install from VSIX… → Select the downloaded vsix file.
  • Install the VS Code Live Share extension using the “Search extensions in Marketplace” or using the below command after using CTRL + P (VS Code Quick Open) shortcut key: ext install MS-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-pack.
  • Click on the “LiveShare” option in the bottom left corner of VS Code to start a collaboration session.
  • Modeller can create TGRL Models (file with .turn extension) collaboratively. For quick start, we have provided a sample TGRL model ”example.turn” in the “examples” folder of the repository.